TIL: Cloudflare Pages Functions

Last updated: Wed Feb 05 2025

Cloudflare has an easy way to build simple APIs for otherwise-static sites running on Cloudflare Pages, which is what I use to host most of my sites.

Just add a functions/ directory and Cloudflare will set up endpoints with a file-system-based routing structure, e.g. functions/api/leaderboard.ts will end up at /api/leaderboard. Add a couple exports for the HTTP verbs you want to support and you’re golden:

export const onRequestGet: PagesFunction<Env> = async (context) => {
  const scores = await getScores();
  return new Response(JSON.stringify(scores));

export const onRequestPost: PagesFunction<Env> = async (context) => {
    await updateScores(context);
    return new Response();

The nice part is that Pages Functions has bindings for various other Cloudflare services, like Workers KV, which lets you set up a “backend” by just adding a couple calls to the appropriate API. TypeScript is easy to set up as well.


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