Nestled in a Remote Mountain Valley That Receives High Snowfall During the Winter (AD S4E8)

Last updated: Wed Jul 17 2024

Writing update: I hit 22k words, but I’m feeling a bit burnt out, so I’ve decided to adopt a concept of “writing sprints” — I’ll take the next week off to revise and rework what I’ve already got before spending another 2 weeks sprinting at 1,666 words per day. Notably, that will let me fix some issues in the outline that have become apparent while sprinting to the first draft.

”A prince riding a composite elephant”, India, Golconda, Deccan, 16th century ”A prince riding a composite elephant”, India, Golconda, Deccan, 16th century

Russell’s Fun Facts Corner

Let’s try out a new format: introducing Russell’s Fun Facts Corner!

What’s New, Rooby-Doo?

I found and returned a Loofa dog to him, which he was carefully guarding, even though I’m not sure he particularly cares about it 🤷‍♀️

Rooibos cuddling with a toy

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