All Writing’d Out (AD S4E7)

Last updated: Wed Jul 17 2024

16,776 words out of 50,000, or about a third of the way done!

“Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara) Standing before Flaming Aureole and Holding a Water Bottle”, Eastern or Western Wei dynasty, c. mid–5th century (rededicated 594) “Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara) Standing before Flaming Aureole and Holding a Water Bottle”, Eastern or Western Wei dynasty, c. mid–5th century (rededicated 594)

Unfortunately I am all writing’d out so this is more of a “yes, I’m still alive” newsletter. One interesting link this week:

What’s New, Rooby-Doo?

Still a sleepy pup.

Rooibos sleeping